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Extra Cash Bonuses!!

Extra Cash Bonuses!! Great news for mystery diners!! At, we are excited to announce that we are now offering extra cash bonuses on top of the meal refund for some missions. This means that mystery diners can earn even more money for their time and effort.


What is mystery dining?

Mystery dining, also known as "secret dining" or "mystery guesting," is a technique used by restaurant businesses to assess the quality of their service and food offerings. Like mystery shopping, which is used by companies across various industries to evaluate customer service, mystery dining involves a "mystery diner" who visits a restaurant and provides an anonymous evaluation of their experience


How to be the best mystery diner

Becoming a mystery diner is a great way to support your favourite local restaurants. It helps them stay competitive and improve their customer service, while you get to eat good food for free! At Tipps, we call our mystery diners Tippsters. So what does it take to become a good Tippster?


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We are social animals

We are social animals

We are social animals. We love to talk and tell stories to those around us. Of course, it isn’t only limited to those around us. Thanks to the internet, we can tell our stories to the entire world and criticising a restaurant online is as easy as a casual conversation with a friend. The challenge for business owners is to manage the gap between the helpful feedback of friends and the brutal bashing of review websites. Mystery dining can fill that gap.
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Food and Travel Writer, Journalist, Podcaster


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What is mystery dining?