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Tipps unique unlimited pricing model

It's time to rethink your mystery dining contract. You want more visits and more insights but you also want lower costs. With Tipps new unlimited and unique pricing model, you can get all three with a single plan that includes as many visits as you need at a lower cost. The most significant benefit of this model is that it's cheaper for restaurants.


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We are social animals

We are social animals

We are social animals. We love to talk and tell stories to those around us. Of course, it isn’t only limited to those around us. Thanks to the internet, we can tell our stories to the entire world and criticising a restaurant online is as easy as a casual conversation with a friend. The challenge for business owners is to manage the gap between the helpful feedback of friends and the brutal bashing of review websites. Mystery dining can fill that gap.
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Food and Travel Writer, Journalist, Podcaster


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